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World Safety Centers

World Health Organizations

World Health Organization on vaccination safety (WHO)
U.N.I.C.E.F.-- UNICEF's "Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization"

Health Organizations for Specific Countries

European Union - Agency for Safety and Health at Work on needle injuries and prevention


Biological Agents Directive (Directive 2000/54/EC of 18 September 2000) Covers the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work. This directive covers the assessment and prevention of a variety of biological risks in the workplace.
Workplace Equipment Directive (Council Directive 89/655/EEC of 30 November 1989) This directive covers the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work)
The European Commission Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs covers policy areas of occupational safety and health accident and the development of legislation (directives) in this area.
The European Commission Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs – Health care sector.


CIS centers collect and disseminate world literature that can contribute to the prevention of occupational hazards. The following information is presented for the use of global healthcare workers. CIS operates within the framework of the ILO, which is a specialised agency of the United Nations. Assisted by over 100 National and Collaborating Centres which are shown below, provides its users with the most comprehensive computerised abstracting and indexing service in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH). [corrections should be sent to support@isips.org]


National Health and Safety Institute
(Institut National d'Hygiene et de Sécurité)
CIS Centre
Lot. Méridja
Saoula B.P.07
42395 Wilaya de Tipaza

Tel: 00 21 3 281 7702
Telex: 62520 INHS-DZ


Ministério de Administraçao Pública
Emprego e Segurança Social
Departamento Nacional de Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho
Serviço CIS
Rue da Missão no.123, 4o Andar
CP 6967

Tel: 00 24 4 239 2381
Telex: MIREX AN MSG NR 1610
Fax: 00 24 4 239 2381


Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de la Nación
Dirección Nacional de Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo
Centro Nacional CIS
Leandro N. Alem 638 - Piso 11
CP 1001
Buenos Aires

Tel: 00 541 311 2757
Telex: 21464
Fax: 00 54 1 311 2757


Australian CIS National Centre
Worksafe Australia Library
GPO Box 58
Sydney NSW 2001

Tel: 00 61 2 9577 9261
Fax: 00 61 2 9577 9201 and 9202
Internet: http://www.worksafe.gov.au
Email: agroth@worksafe.gov.au

Additional Centres

Work Health Authority
CIS Unit
Minerals House
66 The Esplanade
GPO Box 2010
Darwin NT 0801

Tel: 00 61 8 8999 5028
TeleFax: 00 61 8 8999 5141
Email: penelope.campbell@nt.gov.au

Worksafe Western Australia International Projects
CIS Unit
Westcentre, 1260 Hay Street
West Perth WA 6005


P.O. Box 294
West Perth WA 6872

Tel: 00 61 8 9327 8777
Fax: 00 61 8 9321 2148
Email: safety@worksafe.wa.gov.au
Internet: http://www.wt.com.au/safetyline

National Safety and Health Commission, Government Body - Needle injuries


General Accident Insurance Institute (Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt)
Abt. für Unfallverhütung und Berufskrankeitenbekämpfung
CIS Zentrum
Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 65
A-1200 Wien

Tel: 00 43 1 33 111
Telex: 11-4291
TeleFax: 00 43 1 33 111-347


Labour Department
The Chief Labour Officer
CIS Section
National Insurance Building
Fairchild Street

Tel: 00 1 809 426 5565 and 9899
Fax: 00 1 809 436 2289


Institut pour la Prévention, le Protection et le Bien-Être au Travail (PREVENT)
Service CIS
Rue Gachard 88
Boîte 4
B-1050 Bruxelles

Tel: 00 32 2 643 4444
Fax: 00 32 2 643 4440
Email: prevent@prevent.be


Ministry of Trade and Industry
Industries Division
CIS National Centre
P.O. Box 141

Tel: 00 (975 2) 22 295
Fax: 00 (975 2) 23 507


Department of Labour and Social Security
Factory Inspectorate
CIS National Centre
Private Bag 0072

Tel: 00 26 7 371 406
Telegr: LABOUR
Fax: 00 26 7 313 584


Jorge Duprat Figueiredo Foundation for Occupational Safety and Medicine
(Fundacentro - Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho)
CIS Unit
Caixa Postel 11.484
05422-970 São Paulo (SP)

Tel: 00 551 1 3066 6000
TeleFax: 00 551 1 3066 6234


Ministry of Health
National Centre of Hygiene, Medical Ecology and Nutrition
Library and Documentation Department
CIS Centre
Boul. Dimitar Nestorov 15
1431 Sofia

Tel: 00 35 9 259 1011 and 58121-274, 778
Telex: 22712 MAPREZ - BG
Fax: 00 35 9 2 958 1277


Direction Gnérale de la Sécurité Sociale
Service CIS
B.P. 562


Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
250 Main Street East
Ontario L8N 1H6

Tel: 00 1 905 572 2981
Telex: 061 8532
Fax: 00 1 905 572 2206
Internet: prevent@prevent.be
Email: custserv@ccohs.ca

CCOHS Government OSH Authority
Needle injuries and AIDS precautions guidelines. Short information sheet on precutions
Needle injuries guidelines. Short information sheet covering infection hazards from needle stick injuries, occurrence statistics broken down by activity and staff group and prevention
The Hepatitis Information Network for HCW's working with Hepatitis patients risking infection.


Institute of Public Health
Department of Occupational Health and Environmental Pollution
(Instituto de Salud Pública. Departamento de Salud Ocupacional y Contaminación Ambiental)
Servicio CIS
Av. Maratón 1.000
Casilla No.48

Tel: 00 562 490 021 ext. 303

Dirección del Trabajo
Unidad de Condiciones y Medio
Ambiente de Trabajo
Servicio CIS
Agustinas 1253, 8o piso

Tel: 00 56 2 696 7616 Anexo 431
Fax: 00 56 2 696 7616 Anexo 403


Ministry of Labour
Centre for Labour Information and Documentation (CLID)
CIS Unit
No.17, Hui Xing Xi Jie
Chang Yang District
100029 Beijing

Tel: 00 86 10 6491 3296 or 6491 3297
Fax: 00 86 10 6491 3298
Email: liudh@bepc2.ihep.ac.cn Email: liudh@sun.ihep.ac.cn

Additional Centres

All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)
Occupational Safety and Health Information and Training Centre
CIS Unit
10 Fuxingmenwai Street
Beijing 100865

Tel: 00 86 10 6859 3629, 3630, 3633
Telegr: Beijing 1930
Fax: 00 86 10 6859 3616
Email: xmbai@sun.ihep.ac.cn

Tel: 00 86 10 6839 3920
Fax: 00 86 10 6839 4964


Columbia Safety Council
(Consejo Colombiano de Seguridad)
Servicio CIS
Carrera 20 No.39-62
6839 Santa Fe de Bogota

Tel: 00 57 1 288 6355, 245 1674
TeleFax: 00 57 1 288 4367
Telex: 45391 ANDCO CO
Email: ccseguri@gaitana.interred.net.co


Colegio Universitario de Alajuela (CUNA)
Centro Nacional CIS
300 metros Oueste y 300 Sur de Pasta Roma
Carretera a Villa Bonita
Apartado 229 - 4050
Alajuela, A.C.

Tel: 00 506 443 1314
Fax: 00 506 441 6942

Additional Centres

Ministerio de Salud
Departamento de Sustancias Toxicas y Medicina del Trabajo
Servicio CIS P.O. Box 10123-1000
San Jose

Tel: 00 506 222 9758, 255 4249 and 233 1081
Fax: 00 506 222 9625
Email: nstc@public3.bta.net.cn


Instituto de Estudios e Investigaciones del Trabajo
Servicio CIS
Calle 24 No.4309 e/ 43 y 45
Alturas de Almendares, Playa
Ciudad de la Habana

Tel: 00 53 7 22 49 97, 22 69 80 and 23 74 04


National Institute of Public Health
Centre of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases
CIS Unit
Šrobárova 48
100 42 Praha 10

Tel: 00 420 2 6708 1111
Telex: 12 2662 IHEC
Fax: 00 420 2 6731 1188


Directorate of Danish National Labour Inspectorate
(Arbejdstilsynet Direktoratet)
CIS Department
Landskronagade 33
2100 København Ø

Tel: 00 453 915 2000
Telex: 16149 AMI DK
Fax: 00 453 915 2560


Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS)
Division Nacional de Riesfos del Trabajo
Servicio CIS
Edificio Riesgos del Trabajo del IESS
Av. Naciones Unidas y Veracruz, sector 28

Tel: 00 593 2 230 320 and 547 400
Telegr: IESS
Telex: 22280
Fax: 00 593 2 448 862


National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
CIS Section
P.O. Box 2208
Heliopolis, Cairo

Tel: 00 20 2 245 2630 and 244 3995
Fax: 00 20 2 242 4355
Email: nioshlidsc1.gov.eg


National Working Environment Board
CIS National Centre
5 Estonian Avenue
0001 Tallinn

Tel: 00 372 640 9080
Fax: 00 372 640 9085
Email: ti@online.ee


Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Labour Inspection Department
Documentation Centre
CIS Unit
P.O. Box 2056
Addis Ababa

Tel: 00 251 1 159 365 and 152 339


Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations
Factories Inspectorate Division
CIS National Centre
P.O. Box 2216
Government Buildings

Tel: 00 67 921 1467 and 31 49 99
Fax: 00 67 930 4701


Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
(Työterveyslaitos) - Finnish
CIS Section
Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A
SF-00250 Helsinki

Tel: 00 358 9 47 47 383
Fax: 00 358 9 47 47 490
Internet: http://www.occuphealth.fi/
Email: irja.laamanen@occuphealth.fi

Institute of Occupational Safety Engineering
Tampere University of Technology
CIS Unit
Korkeakoulunkatu 2
PO Box 541
FIN-33101 Tampere

Tel: 00 358 3 365 2507
Fax: 00 358 3 365 2671
Internet: http://www.turva.me.tut.fi/
Email: mleppane@butler.cc.tut.fi
Email: hkiviran@cc.tut.fi


Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité
Service CIS
30 Rue Olivier-Noyer
75680 Paris
Cedex 14

Tel: 00 33 1 4044 3000
Telex: 203594 F INRSPAR
Fax: 00 33 1 4044 3099

Grouped'Etude sur le Risque d'Exposition au Sang GERES (NGO)

Needle Injuries guidance and legislation


Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA)
Nationales CIS-Zentrum
Friedrich Henkel Weg 1-25
44149 Dortmund or
Postfach 17 02 02
44061 Dortmund

Tel: 00 49 231 9071 340
Fax: 00 49 231 907 1435
Email: baua@baua2.do.shuttle.de

Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin
- Aussenstelle Dresden -
Nationales CIS-Zentrum
Proschhübelstrasse 8
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse 1

Tel: 00 49 351 80620
Fax: 00 49 351 8062 210

Hauptverband de gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG)
CIS Unit
Alte Heerstrasse 111
53754 Sankt Augustin

Tel: 00 49 2241 23 11 50
Fax: 00 49 2241 23 13 91
Email: bia@hvhg.com
Internet: http://www.hvbg.de


Department of Factories Inspectorate
CIS Section
P.O. Box M58

Tel: 00 233 21 664 892
Telex: 3033 ACCRA


Ministry of Labour
Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (KYAE)
6 Dodekanissou Street
174 56 Alimos

Tel: 00 301 991 9566 and 994 2010
Telex: 226846 KYAE GR
Fax: 00 30 1 991 9566

Additonal Centres

Elliniko Institouto Ygieinis kai Asfaleias tis Ergasias (ELINYAE)
(Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety)
Information and Documentation Center
CIS Unit
89 Patission
104 34 Athens

Tel: 00 30 1 881 4216, 4383 and 9839
Fax: 00 30 1 881 3270


Ministry of Labour
CIS Unit
Homestretch Avenue
D'Urban Park

Tel: 00 592 2 52954 and 58894 ext. 31


Labour Department
Occupational Safety and Health Branch (OSHB)
CIS Unit
13/F., Harbour Building
38 Pier Road, Central
Hong Kong

Tel: 00 8522 852 4070 and 2852 4176
Fax: 00 8522 544 3497
Email: dmak@hk.net


Public Foundation for Occupational Safety Research
(Munkavédelmi Kutátasi Közalapitvány Intézet OMTKI)
CIS Section
Ötvös János u.1-3
1021 Budapest II or
Postafiók 7
1281 Budapest 27

Tel: 00 36 1 394 2922
Telex: 227-079 MTKI H
Fax: 00 36 1 394 2932
Email: mkk@mail.datanet.hu

Additional Centres

National Institute of Occupational Health
CIS Unit
Nagyvárad tér 2
P.O. Box 22
1450 Budapest

Tel: 00 36 1 215 7890
Fax: 00 36 1 215 6891


CIS National Centre for India
Central Labour Institute Buildings
N.S. Mankiker Marg

Tel: 00 912 2 409 2203
Telegr: FACADVISE, MUMBAI 400 019
Telex: 0 1174577 CLI IN
Fax: 00 91 22 407 1986
Email: clibom@x400.nicgw.nic.in

Additional Centres

Society for Participating Research in Asia (PRIA)
The Centre for Environmental and Occupational Health
CIS Unit
42 Tuklakabad Institutional Area
New Delhi 110062

Tel: 00 91 11 698 1908 and 698 9559
Telex: 3171477 APRN IN
Fax: 00 91 11 698 0183
Email: edf@fvria.brnet.in


Department of Manpower
(Departemen Tenaga Kerja R.I.)
Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health
CIS National Centre
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. No.51

Tel: 00 622 1 515 733, ext.600
Fax: 00 622 1 510 043

Additional Centres

Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO)
The Employers Association of Indonesia
CIS Unit
Jalan Cikini I/3-B
Jakarta 10330

Tel: 00 622 1 314 6267 and 314 6268
Fax: 00 622 1 334 003


National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO)
CIS National Centre
Temple Court
10 Hogan Place
Dublin 2

Tel: 00353 1 6147000
Fax: 00353 1 6147021/6147020
Internet: http://www.hsa.ie/osh
Email: valerie@hsa.ie

Additional Centres

National Irish Safety Organisation Ltd.
CIS Unit
Temple Court
Hogan Place
Dublin 2

Tel: 00 353 1 662 0399
Fax: 00 353 1 662 0397


Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene
(Hamosad Lebetihut Ulegehut)
CIS Section
22 Maze Street
P.O. Box 1122
Tel Aviv 61010

Tel: 00 972 3 526 6455
Fax: 00 972 3 526 6456
Email: osh_il@netvision.net.il


Istituto superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro (ISPESL)
Dipartimento Documentazione, Informazione e Formazione
Via Alesandria 220/e
I-00198 Roma

Tel: 00 39 06 442 50648
Fax: 00 39 06 442 50972
Internet: http://www.ispesl.it
Email: perticaroli.ispesl.doc@interbusiness.it

Additonal Centres

CDS - Centro documentazione per la salute
(Health Documentation Center)
CIS Unit
Via Gramsci 12
40121 Bologna

Tel: 00 39 051607 9930 or 607 9979
Fax: 00 39 051 25 1915
Email: cdocsal@iperbole.bologna.it


Ministry of Labour
Industrial Safety Division
CIS National Centre
1F North Street
P.O. Box 481

Tel: 00 1809 92 295 0014


Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA)
International Cooperation Department
CIS Unit
5-35-1 Shiba, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108

Tel: 00 81 3 3454 4596
Fax: 00 81 3 3454 4596
Internet: http://www.wellmet.or.jp/~jisha/index_e.htm
Email: jisha@wellmet.or.jp


Occupational Safety and Health Institute (OSHI)
CIS Unit
P.O. Box 330520
Amman 11133

Tel: 00 962 6 884 144 and 884 145
Telex: 23570 VTC JO
Fax: 00 962 682 0351


The Director
Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety Services
CIS National Centre
Commercial Street
P.O. Box 34120

Tel: 00 254 2 542 130
Telegr: "LABCOM" Nairobi
Fax: 00 254 2 716 649 or 72 64 97


Korea Industrial Safety Corporation (KISCO)
Technical Information Department
CIS Unit
34-4 Gusandong Bupyong-ku
Inchon 403-711

Tel: 00 82 32 5100 749 and 741
Fax: 00 82 32 512 8311 and 8851
Email: internet@kisco.or.kr
Email: dcseo@kisco.or.kr


Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
Department of Labour
CIS National Centre
PO Box 347
Pangkham Road

Tel: 00 856 213 476
Fax: 00 856 214 163


Latvijas Medicinas Akademija
Darba un Vides Veselibas Instituts
(Medical Academy of Latvia
Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health)
CIS Unit
16 Dzirciema Street
1007 Riga

Tel: 00 371 2 409 139 and 187
Telex: 161172 TEMA SU
Fax: 00 371 7 828 155
Email: ivarsv@parks.lv


Department of Labour
Factory Inspectorate
CIS National Centre
Private Bag A 116
Maseru 100


Ministry of Labour
Labour Standards
CIS National Centre
P.O. Box 10-9040
1000 Monrovia 10

Tel: 00 231 22 13 13, 22 24 11


Ministry of Labour and Manpower Development
Factories Information and Documentation Unit
CIS National Centre
Private Bag 344
Lilongwe 3

Tel: 00 265 783 277
Fax: 00 265 783 805


Ministry of Human Resources
Department of Occupational Safety and Health
CIS Unit
(10th, 15th, 22nd Floor) Wisma KWSG
Jalan kg.Attap
50534 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 00 60 3 273 1255, 5208, 5237
Fax: 00 60 3 273 5492
Email: bakar@jkkp.po.my

Additional Centres

Sarawak Medical Department
Occupational Health Unit
CIS Unit
Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg
93590 Kuching, Sarawak

Tel: 00 60 82 256 566
Fax: 00 60 82 424 959


Kummissjoni Ghall-Promozzjoni Tas-Sahha u S-Sigurtà Fuq Il-Post Tax-Xoghol
(Commission for the Promotion of Occupational Health and Safety)
Occupational Health and Safety Unit
CIS National Centre
118/122 St Ursola Street
Valletta VLT 12

Tel: 00 356 24 76 77 and 23 29 97
Fax: 00 356 23 29 09


Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations
Labour Information Centre, CIS Unit
c/r GMD Atchia and Eugène Laurent Streets

Tel: 00 230 212 3049
Telex: 4249 EXTERN IW
Fax: 00 230 212 3070


Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social
Dirceción General de Seguridad y Higiene en el Trabajo
Sección CIS
Periférico Sur 4271
Edificio A, 3 nivel
Col Fuentes del Pedregal
14149 Mexico D.F.

Tel: 00 52 5 645 3472, 645 2965
Fax: 00 52 5 645 6057


Labour and Social Welfare Inspection Agency
CIS National Centre
Baga toirog 10
Ulaanbaatar 48

Fax: 00 976 1 3291 88
Email: cismon@magicnet.mn

Additional Centres

Ministry of Health
Directorate of Public Health
CIS Unit
Karl Marx Street 4
Ulaanbaatar 11

Tel: 00 976 1 321 755
Telex: 247 MINHE MH
Email: moh@mnmoh.ijnet.mn


Faculté des Sciences de l'Education
Unité de Formation en Sécurité et Santé au Travail Centre National CIS
Rue Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Regragui
Madinat al Irfane
Boîte postale 1072

Tel: 00 212 777 4278
Fax: 00 212 777 4289

Additonal Centres

Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie
Service de Médecine sociale
Unité de Santé au Travail
Service CIS
Tarik Ibn Ziad
B.P. 9154

Tel: 00 212 2 47 14 54, 22 25 55
Telex: 24875M
Fax: 00 212 2 29 80 70, 26 14 53


Ministry of Labour and Human Resources Development
CIS National Centre
32 Mercedes Street
P.O. Box 23115

Tel: 00 264 61 21 2956 Ext.2084
Fax: 00 264 61 21 2323


Ministry of Labour
Department of Labour
Inspection and Manpower Section
CIS Unit
Ramshah Path
PO Box 6515

Tel: 00 977 1 24 42 28
Fax: 00 977 1 24 19 58
Email: dol@mos.com.np

Additional Centres

Nepal Udyog Banijya Mahasangh
(Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry)
Employers' Council
CIS Unit
Shahid Shukra Milan Marg. Teku
P.O. Box 269

Tel: 00 977 1 23 31 96, 23 04 07 and 23 33 02
Telex: 2786 FNCCI NP
Fax: 00 97 1 22 73 22


Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
(Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid)
CIS Department
Library and Documentation Centre (BIDOC)
P.O. Box 90801
2509 LV The Hague

Tel: 00 31 70 333 4575
Telex: 31250 SOZA NL
Fax: 00 31 70 333 4022
Email: e.m.a.a.goos@minszw.nl

Additional Centres

Nederlands Instituut voor Arbeidsomstandigheden NIA
Dutch Institute for the Working Environment NIA
TNO Library and Information Centre
CIS Unit
De Boelelaan 30
PO Box 75665
1070 AR Amsterdam

Tel: 00 31 20 549 8463 and 549 8508
Fax: 00 31 20 646 2310
Email: G. Reinders@nia-tno.nl


Department of Labour
Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre
CIS Unit
Ground Floor, Terrace Chambers Building
122-124 The Terrace
P.O. Box 3705

Tel: 00 64 4 495 4372
Fax: 00 64 4 495 4321
Internet: http://www.osh.dol.govt.nz/


Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity
Factory Inspectorate Department CIS National Centre
P.M.B. No.12576
104 Broad Street

Tel: 00 234 1 266 0486


Directorate of Labour Inspection
(Direktoratet for Arbeidstilsynet)
CIS Department
Postboks 8103 Dep
0032 Oslo 1

Tel: 00 47 2 295 7000
Fax: 00 47 2 246 6214


Ministry of Labour
Central Inspectorate of Mines
CIS National Centre
Building No.5-Q, 1st Floor
Sitara Market, Markaz G-7

Tel: 00 92 51 920 4573
Fax: 00 92 51 920 4573

Additional Centres

Centre for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
CIS Unit
Township (near Chandni Chowk)

Tel: 00 92 42 515 0042
Fax: 00 92 42 84 35 37
Internet: http://www.ciwce.org.uk


Department of Industrial Relations
Occupational Safety Health Division
CIS National Centre
P.O. Box 5644
Boroko, N.C.D.

Tel: 00 675 321 4085
Fax: 00 675 320 1062


Dirección General de Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional
Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción Social, Servicio CIS
Av. Salaverry s/n Jesús Maria

Tel: 00 51 14 322 510 ext.103


Department of Labor and Employment
Occupational Safety and Health Centre
CIS National Centre
North Ave. cor. Science Road
Diliman, Quezon City, 1104

Tel: 00 63 2 928 6690, 928 6728, 928 6727
Fax: 00 63 2 976 030
Email: oshcdole@skyinet.net
Internet: http://www.skyinet.net/users/helenc/oshc.htm


Central Institute for Labour Protection
(Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy), Service CIS
ul. Czermiakowska 16
00-701 Warszawa

Tel: 00 48 22 623 3683, or 623 3698
Fax: 00 48 22 623 3693 or 623 3695
Internet: http://www.ciop.waw.pl/
Email: baszc@ciop.waw.pl


Ministério para a Qualificação e o Emprego
Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Inspecção das Condições de Trabalho (IDICT)
Direcção de Serviços de Prevenção de Riscos Profissionais
Centro Nacional do CIS
Praça de Alvalade No.1
1700 Lisboa

Tel: 00 351 1 797 2397
Telex: 16704 e 62184
Fax: 00 351 1 793 4047, 7149 and 797 9016


Departamentul Protectiei Muncii
Institutul de Cercetari Stiintifice pentru Protectia
Muncii, Service CIS
Str. General Budisteanu 15
Sector 1
79629 Bucuresti

Tel: 00 40 1 323 9020
Fax: 00 40 1 323 9020


All Russia Work Protection and Labour Productivity Centre (APC-WP)
Department for Organization of CIS
Activities and International Relations
4th Parkovaya Street, 29
105043 Moscow

Tel: 00 7 095 367 13 090/164 9915
Fax: 00 7 095 164 9364/164 9815


All Russia Work Protection and Labour Productivity Centre (APC-WP),
Department for Organization of CIS Activities and International Relations
4th Parkovaya Street 29
105043 Moscow

Tel: 00 7 095 367 13 090/164 9915
Fax: 00 7 095 164 9364/164 9815

Russian Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Materials Safety
Department of Materials Safety
CIS Unit
21 Dolgorukovskoya Street
10 3006 Moscow

Tel: 00 7 095 978 0190
Fax: 00 7 095 978 6877
Email: str@stinfo.msk.su

Training-Methodical Centre for Labour Safety
CIS Unit
Galernaya 22
190000 St Petersburg

Tel: 00 7 812 311 9811
TeleFax: 00 7 812 311 8812
Email: umcot@neva.SPb.ru
Internet: http://www-iea.me.tut.fi:887/osh_russia/eng_prog.htm
Internet: http://users.nevalink.ru/.umcot/

Additional Centres

All Russia Work Protection and Labour Productivity Centre (APC-WP),
Department for Organization of CIS Activities and International Relations
4th Parkovaya Street 29
105043 Moscow

Tel: 00 7 095 367 13 090/164 9915
Fax: 00 7 095 164 9364/164 9815

Russian Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Materials Safety
Department of Materials Safety
CIS Unit
21 Dolgorukovskoya Street
10 3006 Moscow

Tel: 00 7 095 978 0190
Fax: 00 7 095 978 6877
Email: str@stinfo.msk.su


Department of Labour
Factory Inspectorate, CIS National Centre
New England, Freetown

Tel: 00 232 224 0913


Department of Industrial Health
Ministry of Labour Building, CIS Centre
18 Havelock Road, No.05-01
Singapore 0105

Tel: 00 65 539 5111
Fax: 00 65 539 5140
Internet: http://www.gov.sg/mol/dih/dih.html


Vyskumny a Vzdelávaci Ustav Bezpecnosti Práce
Research Training Institute for Safety at Work
CIS National Centre
Trnavská 57
81435 Bratislava

Tel: 00 4217 496 460 and 497 004
Fax: 00 4217 291 969


Ministry of Commerce, Employment and Tourism Labour Divison
Occupational Safety and Health Department
CIS National Centre
PO Box G26

Tel: 00 677 21849, 21850, 21854, 21855, 21856 and 21384
Fax: 00 677 25084 and 25818


National Centre for Occupational Health
CIS National Centre
25 Hospital Street
Johannesburg 2001


P.O. Box 4788
Johannesburg 2000

Tel: 00 27 11 720 5734
Fax: 00 27 11 720 6103

Additional Centres

Faculty of Medicine
Department of Community Health
Industrial Health Unit (IHU)
CIS Unit
Private Bag 7
Congella 4013

Tel: 00 27 31 260 4528/4508
TeleFax: 00 27 31 260 4211
Email: hansrajhr@MED.UND.AC.ZA

National Occupational Safety Organisation (NOSA)
CSI Unit Private Bag X10
508 Proes Street
PO Box 27434
Arcadia 0007, Pretoria

Tel: 00 27 12 321 7736
Fax: 00 27 12 325 6056
Email: worksafe@nosa.co.za
Internet: http://www.nosa.co.za


National Medical and Occupational Safety Institute
(Instituto Nacional de Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo)
Servicio CIS
Ciudad Universitaria
Pabellón 8
28040 Madrid

Tel: 00 34 1 543 5604
Fax: 00 34 1 543 7271
Internet: http:/www.inmst.es/
Email: divulgacion@inmst.es


Ministry of Labour
Division of Occupational Hygiene
CIS Unit
97 Jawatte Road
Colombo 5

Email: ranjit@dohdl.ac.lk

Additional Centres

Employers' Federation of Ceylon
CIS Unit
385 J3, Old Kotte Road
P.O. Box 858

Tel: 00 94 1 86 79 66-8 (3 lines)
Fax: 00 94 1 86 79 42


Department of Labour
Commissioner of Labour
CIS National Centre
P.O. Box 198

Tel: 00 268 23971/8
Telex: 2381 WD
Fax: 00 268 23966


National Institute for Working Life
CIS Service
171 84 Solna

Tel: 00 46 8 730 9008 and 9149
Telex: 15816 ARBSK Y S
Fax: 00 46 8 273 872
Internet: http://www.niwl.se/niwl.htm
Email: library@niwl.se


Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund Department. Accident Prevention Division
(Caisse Nationale Suisse d'Assurance en cas d'Accidents. Division de la Prévention des Accidents)
Biblioteque Rosslimatt
Service CIS
Case postale 4358
6002 Lucerne

Tel: 00 41 41 419 5111
Fax: 00 41 41 419 5757


Social Insurance Institution
Occupational Safety and Health Department
CIS Unit
Port Said Street
P.O. Box 2684

Tel: 00 963 11 211 561, 216 329 and 216 932


Factories Inspectorate
Ministry of Labour Culture and Social Services
CIS Unit
P.O. Box 9014
Dar es Salaam

Tel: 00 255 51 281 7180


National Institute for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment (NICE)
Department of Labour
CIS Section
22/3 Mu2 Baromrachachonnanee Highway
Thaling Chan
Bangkok 10170

Tel: 00 66 2 448 6498, 448 6607-8 and 448 5294-5
Telex: 72203 DEPLABO TH
Fax: 00 66 2 448 6509
Email: chaiyc@mozart.inet.co.th


Institut de Santé et de Sécurité au Travail (ISST)
Direction Formation et Information
Service CIS
5 Boulevard Mustapha Khaznadar
1007 Tunis

Tel: 00 216 1 561 636
Fax: 00 216 1 57 19 02


Isçi Sagligi ve Is Güvenligi Enstitüsü (ISGUM)
CIS Section
P.K.393 (06443)

Tel: 00 90 312 278 0425
Fax: 00 90 312 278 0424


Occupational Health and Hygiene Department
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
CIS National Centre
P.O. Box 227

Tel: 00 256 41 34 31 37 and 23 01 15


Health and Safety Executive
CIS Unit
Broad Lane
Sheffield S3 7HQ

Tel: HSE Infoline. Open Monday-Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Tel: 0541 545500
Fax: 0114 289 2333
Internet: http://www.hse.gov.uk/
Email: sheffield,infocentre@hse.gsi.gov.uk

Needlesticks Campaign


Medical Devices Agency

Welcome to the Department of Health


Consejo de Educación Técnico Profesional
Departamento de Prevención de Accidentes
Servicio CIS
San Salvador 1674
Oficina 42
C.P. 11200 Montevideo

Tel: 00 598 2 427 027


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Education and Information Division
Robert A Taft Laboratories
4676 Columbia Parkway
Ohio 45226-1998

Tel: 00 1 513 533 8236
Fax: 00 1 513 533 8371
Internet: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/homepage.html
Email: cmh6@niosdt1.em.cdc.gov


Ministerio del Trabajo
Oficina de Documentación y Biblioteca
Servicio CIS
Biblioteca Raúl Leoni
Centro Simón Bolívar
Edificio Sur-Mezzanina
Plaza Caracas-El Silencio

Tel: 00 58 2 481 8184 and 481 8928
Fax: 00 58 2 482 6866


Ministry of Labour. Invalid and Social Affiars
Department of Labour Protection
CIS Unit
12 Ngô Quyen

Tel: 00 844 826 9538; 826 6517 and 934194
TeleFax: 00 844 825 4728
Email: subhd@netnam.org.vn


Ministry of Labour and Social Security
CIS National Centre
P.O. Box 32186
Freedom Way

Tel: 00 260 1 22449 and 227382


National Social Security Authority
CIS Department
25 Central Avenue/4th Street
Box CY 1367 Causeway

Tel: 00 263 4 728 931
Fax: 00 263 4 737 982


Moshi/Arusha Occupational Health Service
CIS Unit
P.O. Box 145


Krong Achiva Anamai (Division of Occupational Health)
Ministry of Public Health
Occupational Health Information Center
CIS Unit
Tivanon Road
Nonthaburi 11000

Tel: 00 66 2 590 4380-2, 591 8173 and 591 8380
Fax: 00 66 2 591 8172
Email: winsanti@health.moph.go.th
Email: dooh@health.moph.go.th


Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado"
Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Social
Postgrado de Salud Occupacional
Servicio CIS
Av. Livertador c.c.22
Decanato de Medicina

Tel: 00 58 51 59 1860
TeleFax: 00 58 51 51 9989
Email: fundafao@sa.omnes.net


The Vietnam General Confederation of Labour
National Institute of Labour Protection (NILP)
CIS Unit
1. Yet Kieu

Tel: 00 844 825 7028 and 825 7293
Fax: 00 844 824 6752


African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC)
CIS Unit
P.O. Box 6097

Tel: 00 263 4 796 681
Telex: 26675 ZW ARLAC
Fax: 00 263 4 796 687

Tags: UNICEF, WHO, centers, health, safety, syringes, world

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